10 personal solutions to global warming

Reducing your heat-trapping emissions does not mean forgoing modern conveniences; it means making smart choices, using energy-efficient products, and understanding which areas of your life generate the most carbon emissions. What’s more, making climate-friendly choices will save you money at the same time!

So here are the top ten things you can do to help tackle global warming:

1 . Make your house more air tight, especially turning on electric fireplace or air-conditioner.

2 . Getting best fuel economy vehicles and motorcycles, or taking public transportation and carpooling. But cycling is the best.

3. Eat less meat, especially beef. (a pound of beef is responsible for some 18 times the emissions of a pound of pasta.)

4. Use power strips in your home office and home entertainment center.

5. Upgrade your refrigerator and air conditioner, especially if they are more than five years old.

6. Buy and USE a programmable thermostat. (Reducing your heating & cooling emissions by 15%)

7. Change LED light bulbs.

8. Get an electricity monitor. (Identify where the energy hogs are in your home) Wash clothes in cold water.  (hot water washes use five times the energy—and create five times the emissions)

9. Wash clothes in cold water.  (hot water washes use five times the energy—and create five times the emissions)

10. Buy less stuff. (3R=Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

And two more…
. Let policy makers know you are concerned about global warming.
. Spread the word.

Read more: http://bit.ly/2NQb93w